what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel

Thank you for joining me here.  I have been on a long strange, painful, exciting and joyous journey that is still going.  I have made great progress and suffered staggering setbacks. This is my way to track where I am, where I came from, and where I am going (now that I have some perspective), and perhaps help someone else along the way.  There are 2 big pieces here. 1) A spiritual awakening that surprisingly brought me to the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. This has empowered me to 2) look at the pain in my life and heal.

I am willing to feel, to hurt, to see my short comings, to see where I have failed and who has failed me.  I am willing to feel disappointed and let down.  I am willing to feel the feelings vulnerable and victimized and terrified and de-valued and violated.  I am willing to truly feel the fear and the sadness and go through to the other side. 

What is exciting is I truly believe that this is my moment, I believe I have the tools, or that God is waiting to equip me upon my request, to walk through all this so I can truly live the life I came here to live- to Glorify Him and love those I am blessed with, and be myself.  I fully expect this to be difficult, painful and relieving.  Something like childbirth, with joy at the ‘end’.

I would like to share some daily scripture while here.    This morning I read Mosiah Chapters 2-4.  What must we do to become happy?

Also I found Phillipians chapter 1 very inspiring today.